Thursday, February 3, 2011

Tiki Villas


Tue, 2/1/11 – We got up early for the drive to the beach which turned out to be quicker and easier than anticipated. Along the way we stopped at a bridge over looking a river full of crocodiles (Los cocodrilos). We counted 25 from one vantage point. They are huge!! Much bigger than we expected. There were also iguanas under the bridge. Maybe the crocs eat them and that’s why there are so many under the bridge.


We arrived at Tiki Villas early afternoon. Our car had a hard time getting up the hill. Very low umph car and a very steep hill. Three of us got out part way up while Neil drove our bags on ahead. Next time we’ll take a running start. There was a mix up on our reservation so we had only one room with AC instead of two. The rooms without AC have better views and all of the rooms are huge and beautiful so Lizz and Neil were very happy where they were. Temperatures drop at nice into the 60's so sleeping is not a problem.


We can see and hear the ocean from here. Beautiful infinity pool can look like it is part of the ocean from some points of view. The villas are very open with deep, wide patios. It is a lovely, enchanting, honeymooning kind of place. There are only five units but service and surroundings are wonderful. It rained very hard after dinner but the porches stayed dry. Neil and Lizz went for a dip in the pool in the rain. We love how the houses here have these deep overhangs and porches. Its much warmer and humid here and the openness allows us to catch every breeze.


We had a big bug of some kind in our bathroom in the evening. Small see through wings – green body and big buggy eyes.
Maybe a moth but the wings didn’t seem sufficient to carry the body.

Shawne got bored with the books she had so she checked out a bunch of new ones from the San Jose (California!) library and downloaded them to her Nook. She really likes the Nook with the ability to carry around so may books in such a small package and even “go” to her local library while in Costa Rica!




Unknown said...

Hi Joel and Family! It was a pleasure to have you here at TikiVillas we are so glad you enjoyed! The insect in the picture is a Cicada - harmless but noisy we get them here in seasons.

Hope to see you again soon!
Cindy & Thomas - TikiVillas Rainforest Lodge

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Villas in India