Monday, February 14, 2011

"Lost" Passport

Fri, 2/4/11 - Joel got up really early and went back to Uvita to take another run at the waterfalls. This time equipped with the proper dinero. It was a nice little falls.


Meanwhile Neil went on more of a bushwhacking expedition but the goal was a different waterfall.


After the hiking it was time to pack up and head back to San Jose and the Bella Rita. There was road construction as we approached San Jose so traffic was pretty thick at times and it was slow going.

Joel: Rita had found an old duffel bag for me and it fit the statue beautifully. We stuffed the statue in it and padded it with all our dirty clothes and some shoes and the statue made it home without a scratch. I think I'll bring the duffel with me on our next excursion just in case!


Joel: We decided to walk to a nearby restaurant for dinner. Although the Bella Rita seemed like a very safe place, I didn't want to leave my passport in plain view so I tucked it under the blankets of the bed. A couple hours later as we were packing to leave early in the morning I had completely forgotten about this and my passport was "lost". There ensued frantic phone calls to the car rental guys and the Tiki Villas with no luck. I pretty well resigned myself to staying over a couple of days (missing the Superbowl!) to visit the US Embassy Monday morning. Then one last pass checking our room and I found it. What a relief! Getting old can be such a pain.

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