Thursday, February 3, 2011

No Ambition


Wed, 2/2/11 – Joel got up early and went for a walk on the beach. There were Tico families camping but not a lot of them. Lot’s of driftwood and a bit too much trash washed up from somewhere else. Still overall, quite pleasant and semi-private.


Shawne: There are lots of butterflies here. Many birds as well although I haven’t seen that many but you can here the different calls. The forest sounds are very loud, especially at night. So many nature noises its hard to distinguish them but we did here the frogs that make the kissing sound. We heard howler monkeys this morning. No coaties though. Joel left a banana out last night but it was still there this morning.

Our host started this place 5 years ago. I’m amazed at how much people can get done in such a short the time. There is a lot of development along the beaches and while I’m sure it produces a lot of jobs I suspect it is challenging the sustainability of the environment.


There is a giant termite nest in a tree nearby. At first we were told it was a beehive but fortunately that was just an error in translation.


This place saps all ambition. None of us are much inspired to go anywhere or do anything much more than laze by the pool reading. Joel was going to wait until we got back to post the Costa Rica blogs but it is such a pleasant place to sit and relax that we will have much of it out before heading back.

Lizz bought us dinner brought up from a local restaurant. Very nice pizza and pasta. All so relaxing.


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