Wednesday, January 9, 2008

The Taj Mahal

My sister, Heidi, wanted pictures of the Taj Mahal, so here they are. What you don't realize before going there is how much incredibly detailed work there is. The carvings are very impressive but even more impressive is all of the inlaid stone. The colored decorations around the panel in the picture above are all made from stones and there are acres of it. So the Taj is huge, etheral and beautiful from a distance and then has a different kind of impressiveness and beauty up close and then there is the fact that it was all done for love. Shawne says that I should build one for her and I said I would be happy to once she gives me eleven more kids. We will call it a draw.

1 comment:

qhbooks said...

Love that closeup of the inlaid rocks (maybe minerals)-can you tell what stone was used? I had no idea it was so intricate-thought it was just a mass of white marble!