Saturday, January 19, 2008

Spice Plantation & Bullock Cart

Saturday, January 19

Saturday morning we went to a nearby spice farm. They grow all kinds of spices on one farm to avoid being tied to a single market. We must have seen 10 or 15 different types of plants/spices. Peppers, cardamin, vanilla, nutmeg, mace, coffee... It was pretty interesting to see where they all come from.

In the afternoon, we went on another "Disneyland ride", a bullock cart through lush backroads of the lowlands. We saw small villages and farms. It was very idyllic.

The people were obviously very poor but they looked to have much better lives than the poor of the crowded cities to the north.

We stopped for a snack by a little temple next to a beautiful river with cascading white water. The ground was soggy there so we had to pick our way to get through.

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