Monday, December 29, 2008

A Whale of a Good Time

Aloha oukou! Our latest adventure is a trip to the big island of Hawaii. We arrived yesterday and will leave next Sunday, staying on the Western side near Kona. We brought the “kids” and our daughter-in-law Katherine along for the ride. This morning was a snorkeling trip. We saw lots and lots of very colorful fish, a few large turtles (about 30” across) and some humpback whales. I also saw an octopus that turned from a good camouflage sandy color to white when I got close. Best of all was a whale shark that came bumping up along the side of our boat. It is huge, something like 10 feet wide by 40 feet long but harmless. I just wish that I had the presence of mind to jump in the water when it came up to us. Some of the people from other boats were hitching rides on it. It was totally docile. Tomorrow we go visit the volcanoes. A hui hou!

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